Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Russell/Brimble Scrabble

Well, you all know that JD beats me at Scrabble with ridiculous two letter words that are worth 50+ points, while I create elaborate and beautiful themes with my multi-syllabic words.

So, guess what happens when we both break the rules?!:

We both earned our highest scores on this game, but he still beat me!!


Heidi Olson said...

I think someone hit the board and messed up the placement of the letters OR there were many bottles of wine consumed during the playing of this game. Pvadbl? definition please...


naomi lynn said...

I cannot sure about that one.. It was one of Jim's words. I am sure he had a tolerable definition at the time. I can account for igrunthornixiao, and um, a few of the others, too.

Yo-Mama said...

Those are REALLY interesting words!! Looks like there are a few there that my dear son may have tried using on me during one of our many scrabble fight to the death games cuz he HATES to LOSE!!!

Ha Ha!! So do I...