Saturday, December 6, 2008

Quinoa and Pomegranates

Our new super easy dinner!

Make quinoa with some broth, veggie or chicken

Dry roast cumin and coriander seed, then grind;
or just have ground cumin and coriander on hand

Saute diced onion and garlic in olive oil

Add cooked (or canned) garbanzo beans and spices, then continue to heat

Take everything off the heat and add pomegranate seeds and quinoa; mix, mix

Shape with ramekins and sprinkle more pom seeds on top!

Oh! And I guess I should credit Martha Rose Shulman whose recipe was published in the NYTimes:

1 comment:

Heidi Olson said...

yum - bet this would be good with currents too! If you didn't feel like picking out the pom. seeds!