Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas at Doe Bay

It was snowing and a little below freezing when we showed up the Doe Bay on Orcas Island on Christmas eve. We were the only guests there until later on Christmas Day! A little woodstove, candles, a hot tub, and a small library can certainly keep one happy! The cabin was smaller than our living room and did not have running water, but it was crisp and beautiful outside and there is a great view from the tubs.

The food:
On Christmas eve, I made an Irish Stout Stew that I think I found originally on Heidi's blog, but then from the Bitten Word.

Christmas day: JD fried eggs and bacon in the cast iron and later a Cornish game hen for dinner. The cast iron was a godsend--beautifully cooked everything without burning over the open flame.

Boxing day: squash risotto with sausage. We had our fill of meat this trip! Everything was rich and warming!

We read a Terry Prachett novel aloud (great fun!), and our own books silently. The only thing we missed was our cribbage board, and maybe some of the vegetables that were forgotten in the fridge.

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